Plant Virology References
Introduction to Plant Virology - includes taxonomic diagram
Plant viruses of Nebraska
Virology on the web, internet guide - a good index
SB731.A35 - Agrios, George N. Plant Pathology, 4th ed (1997) Good for a quick review of (intro to) plant virology
REF QD415.A25O41 - A.D. Smith, Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1997)
REF QR358.E32 (Biol lib) - Robert G. Webster, Encyclopedia of Virology, 2nd (1999) (1st ed in CYT) - a great place to begin searching a new topic
REF QR360.V513 - Virology and AIDS Abstracts
REF QR363.A25 - H. Ackermann, Atlas of Virus Diagrams. (1995)
SB599.R4 - Reviews of Plant Pathology (discontinued in 1993) - incorporated into CAB database
SB 736.C62 - Descriptions of Plant Viruses - flyers on individual viruses and groups - Now online!
SB736.M37 - Hull, R., Matthews Plant Virology, 4th ed. (2001) - the "classical text
QR351.B67 - Bos, L. Plant Viruses, Unique and Intriguing Pathogens (1999)
QR394.I58 - Van Regenmortel, et al, Virus Taxonomy, 7th report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(2000)
QR351.M35 - Matthews, R.E.F. Fundamentals of Plant Virology (1992) - out of date
Brunt, A.A., et al, Viruses of Plants, CAB International (1996) - comprehensive virus descriptions
Khan, J.A. and Dijkstra, J., Plant Viruses as Molecular Pathogens, Food Products Press (2002)
Databases - IRIS online - Ingenta, Agricola , Biological Abstracts, CAB abstracts, PubMed, Science Citation Index (Web of Science)
Online Journals, Check Virology, Journal of Virology, Journal of General Virology
IRIS - for text based searches access through telnet - prictice subject searches with imposed limits