PBCV1 WAL lysin - Sybr Gold assay

PBCV1 WAL lysin - Sybr Gold assay

Spectral properties of Sybr Gold

Assays on PBi cells at 3 dilutions. Samples were incubated 1 hr (10ul purified lysin). Then 1ul of 1000x diluted Sybr Gold and 10 ul of 10% Triton X-100 were added followed by low speed centrifugation

UV illumination. Photo through 450nm long pass filter (16sec exposure)

Blue light illumination. Photo through Tiffin Red1 filter (4sec exposure)

Note that UV illumination will capture both Sybr Gold and chlorophyll fluorescence. Blue illumination will excite only Sybr Gold (but with higher sensitivity - note shorter exposure)