Ammonium sulfate ppt of PBCV1 WAL lysin

Ammonium sulfate ppt of PBCV1 WAL lysin

PBCV1 WAL lysin was prepared from a 20x conc., 500ml cell culture with MES buffer, w/o mercaptoethanol. Bistris (buffer, to 10mM) was added with the initial ammonium sulfate.
L = 0-30% ammonium sulfate
M = 30-65% ammonium sulfate
H = 65-100% ammonium sulfate

Lysin activity

SDS PAGE, S = starting material

Ammonium sulfate readily precipitates WAL lysin. All fractions are heavily contaminated with a host protein (rubisco?). If the contaminant is rubisco it can be removed by ultracentrifugation.