Is anything wrong with American education?

Which (if any) of the following significantly influence the quality of education?
A- We're far behind other countries, particularly in math and science
B- Education isn't as rigorous as it used to be (weak in basics)
C- Television is a negative influence on learning
D- Teachers today expect too little of high school students
E- Academics are not highly valued among students
F- Families aren't as supportive as they used to be
G- Education schools don't adequately prepare teachers
H- The educational system does not get rid of bad teachers
Other factors?

1- Are we behind other countries and if so what should we do about it?

2- Should education be more rigorous and if so how?

3- Did high school expect enough of you?

4- Were peers a positive or negative influence on you? How?

5- What did you expect from high school that you didn't get?

6- How can high schools prepare students better?